The Chempaka Way


When children are allowed to be children
Learning happens naturally

When systems and rules are in place, but not to curb
Learning happens freely

When nature is the most important teacher
Learning has value

When the surroundings are aesthetic, lively and stimulating
Learning happens creatively

When the thrust is on values and awareness
True Learning begins

When it’s how well you study, not how much you study
Learning becomes meaningful

When culture and heritage are honoured and imbibed
Learning becomes timeless

When the adult’s role is to guide and facilitate
Learning becomes fun

When theatre and arts become a part of life
Learning happens through expression

When a scientific outlook is cultivated
Learning happens through inquiry

When the humanistic spirit is encouraged
Learning happens through compassion

When there is a dynamic atmosphere of innovation and research
Learning never ends

When physical, mental and spiritual growth happen together
Learning has completeness

When we realise that it’s not just about how much we provide, but how well we are able to facilitate true learning
Learning happens ‘The Chempaka Way’.